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PRW Quad Spanners CLY 362

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Call: +44 (0) 1234 855 855 to order

A new addition to the range of Clydesdale ratchet spanners, this handy 4 way reversible ratchet spanner has two socket sizes at either end, fitting hex head nuts and bolts. This is a great all-rounder, its small, compact and a must for any toolbox.


The 13 & 17mm end is designed for use on M8 bolts and M10 bolts and the 19mm & 21mm end will fit M12 and M14 bolt sizes.

Part No. 1 2 3 4 Length Weight
CLY 362 01 5.5 7 6 8 115mm 0.065kg
CLY 362 02 9 11 10 12 140mm 0.115kg
CLY 362 03 8 10 12 13 146mm 0.130kg
CLY 362 04 10 12 13 14 165mm 0.150kg
CLY 362 05 13 15 14 17 215mm 0.305kg
CLY 362 06 13 17 19 21 215mm 0.305kg
CLY 362 07 19 21 22 24 240mm 0.370kg

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